
Here you’ll find the most important information you need to know for a successful start and the smooth running of your business, or its potential dissolution. Choose any category that interests you, or start with the most recent article.


Determining tax residence can be confusing – whether you’re a Czech working abroad or a foreigner working in Czechia. Discover the criteria that will help you know where you should be paying income tax. General Rules for Tax Residence It sounds inviting – you find a country with an interesting social or tax system and choose to start your business…

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Are you interested in the road transport business operated by large vehicles? Find out what conditions to meet to obtain a licence and how hauliers prove their financial fitness. What is large vehicle transport? The category of "large" road transport includes: Passenger transport by vehicles carrying more than 9…

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12.09.2024 News

Are you doing business in the Czech market, but would you like to relocate your company to Malta, Switzerland, USA or vice versa? We will introduce you to the amendment to the Act on Company Conversions, which newly facilitates the conditions for changing the seat of a company outside the EU. What does the amendment to the Company…

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You have probably already encountered terms such as mergers, acquisitions or company splits. The amendment to the Business Corporations Conversion Act now introduces a new concept, the spin-off. Find out how spin-offs differ from other types of conversions and how they work in practice. What is a corporate conversion by spin-off? In July 2024,…

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When looking for ways to lower taxation, athletes often toy with the idea of changing their tax domicile. However, such a change is not possible for everyone and will only bring real savings to some. Find out under what conditions an athlete can benefit from a change in tax residency without unnecessary risk. The key to taxing…

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The minimum wage is not only the lowest possible remuneration for work, but also affects other amounts. Find out how it works, who sets it, how to calculate the correct minimum wage per hour for different types of jobs and what changes to prepare for from 2025. What is the minimum wage and how is it set? Minimum wage means the lowest allowable pay…

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15.08.2024 Tips and advice

Imagine you want to build a house - you have a vision, tools, finances and a team of people. But that's not enough to build a new home. Without a plan and coordination, chaos, delays, additional costs... And it works the same way in business. Make planning and meeting your goals easier with project management. We'll show you how. Why do…

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Do you want to volunteer, raise money for a good cause, support the community in your area, or have a group with whom you share a common interest? Find out how a non-profit organization can help you do just that! What is a non-profit organization? A non-profit organization (NO) is a type of legal entity. However, its main purpose is not to make…

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Are you interested in charity or do you want to develop a common interest with other people in the field of sport, culture, ecology or perhaps your hobby? Start a non-profit organisation. We will advise you on which legal form to choose and how to go about setting up a non-profit. The essence of a non-profit organisation As the name…

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The fundamental change to the Accounting Act will lead to amendments to a number of accompanying laws. One of them is the Income Tax Act (ITA), which should undergo a complete transformation. Find out how the terminology and tax depreciation rules you have been used to will change. Planned changes to the Income Tax Act The amended Income Tax Act…

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Do you have a great business idea in your head? Create a basic financial plan before you go ahead. It will help you to determine the costs of starting your business, the expected income and an estimate of profit. In the long run, it will make it easier for you to manage your finances effectively. What is a financial plan for? A financial plan is…

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All companies registered in the Commercial Register, associations, societies, institutes or foundations must publish their accounts. It tells about the company's management, its financial stability and its ability to stand in the future. Find out what it contains and why, and how to navigate through it. What are financial statements? …

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Do you pay royalties abroad? And are you sure who is the actual recipient? Find out when you pay the full amount of withholding tax on royalties and when you can reduce it on the basis of double taxation. What are royalties? In the Czech environment, royalties are defined by the Income Tax Act (§19 of the Income Tax Act). Such…

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The Ministry of Finance is working intensively on an extensive amendment to the Value Added Tax Act. The first changes will come into force on 1 January 2025, with more to follow until 2027. Changes to the Value Added Tax Act The current version of the VAT Act can be found under 235/2004 Coll. We have prepared an overview of the main changes…

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You probably know who the CEO is, but do you have any idea what the CTO is responsible for, what the COO does, and when to turn to the CFO? Find out the difference between each leadership position and how they can help your company grow. Top management organization The rapid growth of companies brings with it the need to optimize their…

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The amendment to the Labour Code changes many of the previously established rules for performance of work agreements (DPPs). The popular method of earning extra income is now subject not only to central registration but also to new limits for levies. Join us for a look at the main changes that will affect DPPs in 2024/2025*. …

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A business cannot do without a business plan. Whether you have your vision, mission, and goals in your head or actually described in detail, the Lean Canvas method will teach you how to work with them in a whole new way. Quickly, flexibly and, above all, with maximum clarity. What is Lean Canvas? We explain the Lean Canvas method in…

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Attempts to defraud businesses are increasing and becoming more sophisticated - from emails from external and internal sources to fraudulent SMS, fake calls or imitation registers. We've put together a glossary of the most common terms associated with fraudulent behaviour and explain how to spot fraud and protect your data and finances. …

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The vision, mission and values summarize the company's main ideas and mission and are part of the business plan. Thanks to them, you and your employees will have an imaginary map of the company's journey and everyone will be clear about where you are heading. Such an overview will make planning easier and help you make decisions. Find out how to…

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Are you planning to sell your apartment and wondering how to tax this income? The procedure for selling a condominium is different from selling a privately owned unit. We'll explain how to properly tax the income from the sale of a personal and cooperative apartment and when you can avoid this tax altogether. Taxation of income from the sale of a…

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