How to fill in the tax return form? Instructions for 2024

Every year in the spring, (not only) entrepreneurs have an unpleasant duty - filling in the tax return form. We will tell you how to deal with the document.

Who fills in the tax return and how?

According to the Income Tax Act (ITA), all entrepreneurs with an annual taxable income of over CZK 50,000 (or CZK 20,000 if you are an employed entrepreneur), except for those in the flat-rate tax regime, file a tax return every year.

Self-employed persons fill in the tax return (DAP) electronically simply via the MojeDaně portal operated by the tax administration. You can also send the electronically completed form to the tax administration via data box (in .xml format) by 2 May. Details on the deadlines for submitting the DAP and the payment of the tax itself can be found in the article on income tax returns.

Let's now take a look at how to complete the tax return.

Orientation to the tax return

A tax return consists of several documents - a basic form and various annexes. How to find your way around them?

The basic form

The basic form is completed by all taxpayers. It contains your identification details and basic information about your tax base, tax credits and total tax.

Tip! If you fill in your electronic tax return via the My Tax portal, the application advises you and calculates the amounts yourself. The official instructions for completing your tax return may also be useful.

Header and introductory section

In the header of the document, don't forget to fill in your VAT number and indicate whether it is a regular, amended or additional tax return. You should also indicate the local tax office and its territorial office to which you are submitting the return.

How do I find out which tax office you fall under? For individuals, this is determined by their permanent address. If you are not sure, you can find out the territorial office by using the postcode in the tax administration's online tool.

Top part of the tax document

In the heading of the form, you indicate which tax year it relates to (most often the previous calendar year).

This is followed by Section 1, where you enter your personal details. This section is fairly intuitive, you may be puzzled only by the final lines 29 and 29a - however, these only apply to you if you are not a tax resident of the Czech Republic. In line 30 you then indicate whether you are related to a foreign person (e.g. you have a share in a foreign parent company). part of the document

Section 2 of the DAP

If you have successfully got this far, get your calculator ready. This is where the calculations begin. In the first section, you will fill in details of your earned income if you are running a business while employed.

The next section is a little more complicated. This is where you enter the partial tax bases of all your income (read which income is included in your tax return). In practice, this means that it is filled in after you have filled in all the attachments to your tax return (see below). This is where you calculate the partial tax bases.

Once you have added the sub-bases together, the last lines give you the total tax base.

2.nd part of the document

Sections 3, 4 and 5 of the DAP

The tax base is then reduced in section 3 by the non-taxable parts of the tax base (e.g. gifts or contributions to supplementary pension savings) and deductible items.

3.rd part of the document

The tax itself is then calculated in section 4. part of the document

Then, in section 5, you deduct any reliefs claimed (e.g. taxpayer's or disability allowance) and child tax credit. part of the document

The result is the final amount of tax you have to pay.

Calculation of the tax amount

The next section of the form is then used to fill in information about any advance tax paid and any attachments to the document. The final section also allows you to claim a refund of any overpaid tax.


Selected attachments are also usually part of the DAP. Which attachments you fill in depends mainly on the type of income you have.

All entrepreneurs submit Schedule 1, which relates to self-employment income. You fill in Annex 2 if you have rental income and other income. Annex 3 contains information on income from abroad.

In addition to these forms, other documents are often attached to the tax return, typically:

  • financial statements (if you keep accounts)
  • evidence of tax credits (e.g. Disabled Persons' Identity Card/P)
  • documents for tax benefits (e.g. child's education certificate)
  • confirmation of non-taxable amounts of the tax base (e.g. proof of a gift)
  • confirmation of taxable income from employment (if you have a business and are in employment)

The specific attachment requirements depend on your individual situation (type of income, reliefs claimed, etc.).

Attachments of the tax document

Are taxes on your mind?

Completing your tax return is not a simple matter. Save yourself the hassle and have it prepared by experts. We will be happy to help you! Contact us using the form below.

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